“Better not fall, then.” Spoken aloud that sounded like good advice. The ground levelled out before he slipped more than once, though looking back up, he realised returning that way would be ill advised. The path then, such as it was. With luck, it wouldn’t lead him too far before he found a better way. He could spare a few moments. The brook rushed by in harmony with the main melody of trickling water. Dean walked to the nearest tree, leant against it and looked about. When did he last get back to nature? His life consisted of spanners and pliers. To some extent computers, seeing as most cars these days were often more circuit boards than mechanical, or so it seemed. Give him the older motors any day. Good thing most of the cars they worked on were vintage. He loved working in the garage, but this…Made a change to be outside. Away from it all. In tune with nature.