Chapter 16


Noel stopped and looked at him. “If it’s any of your business, no, I’m not. Not married, not engaged, not seeing anyone. Does that answer your question?”

“It does. Sorry I asked.” Jax returned his attention to Andre, reaching his fingers through the wire again to given him more scratches behind his ears. The dog responded by licking his fingers. “If I was looking for a dog…” But I’m not. As I told Donovan, having one wouldn’t be fair to it. I’m gone almost as much as I’m at home.

He stood, ready to leave, and saw Noel standing in the office doorway watching him. The moment the young man realized Jax had seen him he hurried inside, quickly closing the door behind him.

You are one strange guy. What is going on with you? Does my being here rub you the wrong way for some reason?

Having no answers, and unwilling to ask Noel, Jax left the building. Susan was standing in the yard, still on the phone. She gave him a finger wave, so he waved back.