Chapter 15

“Did you rescue any more dogs while I was gone?” Jax asked.

“I wish I could say no. It would be great if there weren’t any left torescue. In a perfect world that would be the case, but this isn’t that world. A passerby saw a dog that someone had dumped by the highway, about five miles from here. She brought it to the vet, who examined the poor thing. It was malnourished, with burrs imbedded in two of its paws, which she removed. We’ll bring him up to optimum weight for his size and then, hopefully, Noel will be able to find a foster for him, or best-case scenario, a loving home. As is too often the case, he had no tags and no chip.”

“What kind of dog?”

“Mixed breed. A lot of lab, some pittie, and some who knows what,” Donovan told him. “What we used to call a Heinz 57. Susan named him Andre.”