Chapter 39

For better or for worse, this has to happen.

When they’d hung up, he went home. He no longer had any desire to visit a club. If he did, and hooked up with someone, it would be for meaningless sex and nothing more. If what he hoped would happen did when he saw Noel again, then perhaps he’d have a new life with a man who would finally give him a reason to believe love was possible for him.

Love? He smiled. Am I jumping the gun? Yes. But who knows. I guess I’ll find out in a week.

* * * *

“You live, and you’re in one piece,” Donovan said after opening the front door to let Jax come in. “I know you managed to escape that man’s clutches, thanks to Noel. He told me he’d heard from you.”

“I did,” Jax replied. “He’s now languishing in jail awaiting trial for attempted murder.” Or he would be, if he existed. Not something he could ever tell Donovan.