Chapter 40

His answer came sooner than expected. Noel pulled him into a loose embrace, saying with a smile, “I hope I come out on top.”

“Trust me, as much as I like dogs, there’s a certain cat who has all my attention, if he wants it.”

Stepping back, Noel looked gravely at Jax. “I think I do, in spite of what you are.”

Jax understood immediately that he didn’t mean the fact he was a metamorph. “I can change my ways. I’ve told you, I only do it to relieve my boredom.”

Noel nodded, then smiled. “It’s not whatyou do that bothers me. I like the idea that you’re getting rid of some criminals. It’s the aftermath. You should return whatever was taken from the victims. It’s not their fault the creeps robbed them.”

“True. It’s not as if I need the money I get from fencing the goods. Not anymore, anyway. Way back when, it helped keep me on my feet.”

“You just said that you do it because you’re bored,” Noel replied pointedly.