I’d seen him make the offer to other commenters along the way, as well as remind people in his posts that anyone who wanted to talk to him just had to use the form on the site, but having him extend the same offer to me felt bigger, more significant than those other insistences. I know it was because of the crush I was harboring. I wasn’t so blinded not to see that. But that didn’t change how it felt, or how close to tears I got at the thought of someone out there who I could say anything to.
It had been a very long day, and I was too tired not to have all my emotions so close to the surface.
My reply was short, but heartfelt.
Thanks. I’ll remember that the next time the road catches me out.
Though there was no reason for him to come back, I kept my laptop out just in case. Sleep didn’t seem so important anymore. Besides, my fantasies about how further contact might play out were more interesting than any dream could be.