“What is it?” said Noah, his stomach clenching in dread.“It’s okay, you’ll be fine. But you’ve been bitten. And it sure as hell wasn’t me this time.”
Noah’s eyes widened in shock and he lifted his hand to his neck, where he could feel the two little scabs. “Oh, God.”
Gabe leaned in close, and Noah was briefly confused, it seemed almost like Gabe was going to bite him, too, but the tall vampire only inhaled deeply. Then his expression turned to one of intense anger. “Simon, God damn him straight to the lowest hell. His scent is all over you.”
“Ah, hell,” said Jack.
“Huh?” said Noah.
“My past, reaching out to trouble my present once again. I’ll explain more once you’re home safe. Come.” Suddenly Gabe’s arms were around him, lifting him easily. Noah found himself relaxing trustingly into that embrace, putting his still-spinning head on Gabe’s shoulder. Gabe strode off rapidly, with Jack trotting at his heels. Noah closed his eyes and sank into a doze as they went.