Chapter 33

“I debated some, but then got nekkid. You sure that’s okay?”


The very essence of romance is uncertainty.

“I wish I had a pool to swim naked in.” Preston flipped to his back and floated, exposing himself.

“It’s not huge, but it’s nice.” I stepped closer to it. “The pool, I mean.” Then, I went in for the kill. “By the way, Ralph told me he saw you on the street when he had to stop fast for Archie. Now that I have you secured in my backyard, naked and at my mercy, should I pull out the cuffs and place you under arrest for impeding an investigation, withholding evidence, lying to law enforcement, and who knows what else?”

“Huh?” Preston rolled over like backstroking cockroach when the lights went on, all hurriedly and uncoordinated. He sputtered and spit coming back up from the drink, trying to regain his bearings.