Chapter 34

“But I’m definitely going to keep looking at you and remember your body tonight in bed.”


“It’s funny, though.”

“What’s funny?”

“Am I making you nervous, Justice?”

I didn’t answer.

“I’m sorry I make you nervous.”

I’d heard that from Dougie before, too.

“What makes you think I’m nervous?”

“Look how far away you are.”

Dougie always called me out on that. There was at least five feet between us, five feet and a huge log, half a tree, likely fifty years old, felled by a storm, now somewhat of a barricade, a line in the sand, a deterrent.

“You’d rather let me see your whole body, your arousal, than be close enough to risk us touching.”

“‘Arousal…’ Is that a romance novel word?”

“Don’t change the subject. You’re afraid of intimacy.”