Chapter 16

Shit! What am I going to do with this information? I don’t want to tell Bill. It’ll ruin our weekend. He’ll just worry. Frank sighed. I’ll just keep it to myself. I’m not a hundred per cent sure it was Dennis anyway, Frank thought, trying to convince himself he didn’t need to be anxious.

Just then his phone dinged.

Strider: frodo ready for a trip to middle earth?

Frodo: you bet strider!

Strider: getting in the car heading down state street be at the union in about 5. c u soon meet me at the curb

Frodo: okay

Frank got up and tucked the conversation he’d heard away. Probably it wasn’t Dennis. It was a big campus. There were lots of guys that it could be. Frank walked out the doors of The Union into the snow and skipped down the stairs to the curb.