Forty-five minutes later, we were in Josie’s half of the duplex and seated in her bright yellow kitchen, passing around containers of food. Josie’s house was a mirror image of Zack’s. But whereas Zack had white walls and nice, but plain, furniture, Josie had taken the time to put in bright pops of color, and the whole place had a homey feeling. It felt like her, and I liked that a lot.
Josie kept up a constant chatter as we ate, but I couldn’t really focus on anything more than the way Zack had slid down in his chair so he could rest his foot against my ankle. I wanted to yank him into my lap and kiss the daylights out of him. But at the same time, I didn’t want Josie to know what we had been up to. I didn’t want her to think more of it than it was, because if she got her hopes up, then so would I. More than that, I wanted to keep this thing between Zack and me to myself for just a little while longer. I wanted to protect it.