“I want you to see all the guitars. The pianos. The drum sets. And maybe even the fucking ukuleles. But I warn you, if you pick one of those little shits up and play ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow,’ my brother Louie will throw you out the window.”
“You know, I’m beginning to think I did the right thing hiring you as my communications officer.”
She cracked a grin and grabbed my hand over the table. “Will you swing by for a few minutes? It’s ten minutes away from here. Right on Sainte-Catherine. I keep telling everybody about you.”
“Duh, Micah.” She tipped her head and gave me a warm smile. “I’m so happy I met you. I’ve learned a lot in the last months. Your outlook on life is pretty fucking fantastic.”
She rarely showed me this softer side of herself and it flustered me a little. “Oh, well, thank you.”
“And I’m not sucking up to you for more money, ‘cause I know we don’t have any.”
I drained the last of my black coffee, my fourth today, and winked at her.