Chapter 6

“The Knight store dates back to 1913, before the Great War. My great-grandfather was a luthier. He made violins, and then his son, my grandfather, made violins and guitars. Later, in the forties, after the war, Grandpa went into repair and selling, and then my father inherited and turned the shop into what you see today.”

I looked around, finally paying attention to the finer details. The store took up the whole of a two-story stone building that had an antique feel to it. Each room had high ceilings and wood-paneled walls. Contrasting with the older architecture, the walls were covered with posters and autographed black-and-white pictures of many legendary bands of the seventies and so on. I moved closer to a picture of a handsome man who looked a lot like Lou, and whose arm was wrapped around Mick Jagger. “Is this your dad?”

“No, that’s Mick Jagger.”

“Ah. Ha. Funny. But your dad met the Stones?”