Standing in front of a yellow and black label in thick-lined script, Spiritual Magic, she touched my right shoulder with an index finger and said, “Warlock history and spells. This is what you came for.”
I didn’t know how she knew of my needs and told her, “Yes. Exactly.”
A black cat slinked out of somewhere and circled my ankles. It looked up at me with its intensely golden eyes and mewed.
“Inky has come to help. He loves warlock- and witchcraft. Something tells me he has magical powers, but I’m not sure.”
The cat mewed a second time.
Eudora pulled two thick books off a high shelf and handed them to me. “I sense you can use these nonfiction gems.”
I read the titles in the semi-darkness, squinting. “Embers of the Warlockand Other-worldlySpells.”