Chapter 16

I told him everything I had learned of Jase, and Ravenrock. He listened closely, asking me questions pertaining to my findings. Following my spiel, I asked, “What would you like me to do?”

“Continue your findings for a week. Two at the most. We will talk then. Things like this happen, Sawyer. Books fall apart. If all else fails, I’ll send you on a new adventure for a different book.”

I told him, “Thank you. I was afraid you wouldn’t understand.”

He heartily laughed, sounding eccentric and wealthy, and ended the call with, “I’ll check in with you in a week. I’m sure you’ll find something more. We can decide about your future task then.”

I doubted such proclamations, believing I would find nothing for him, pressed the off button on my phone, and dug into my evening’s reading.

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