Chapter 28

“It’s soldered shut,” Buck pointed out.

“Gee, really?” Mika rolled his eyes as he got up again. Going into the kitchen, he returned with a can opener. “This should work for starters.”

It took a bit of finagling, but Mika finally got one wheel to hook under the narrow lip of solder. Closing the opener, he turned the handle slowly and a cut appeared in the top of the box. He enlarged it until it had opened one side of the lid, then a second and third edge. He used a screwdriver to lift it open while leaving it attached along the final edge.

“You’re clever,” Buck commented as he watched.

“I’m a mechanic. I have to figure out how to do a job,” Mika replied, flushing at the compliment.

Whatever was in the box was wrapped in cotton batting. Mika took it out and carefully pulled it apart. “A locket?” he said in surprise. “I guess I was expecting something valuable, like, I don’t know, a cache of diamonds, maybe?”