Wyatt is walking down the road, humming to guide his way, when what he likes to call his bat sonar hits something in the street. The images thrown back at him are initially confusing. But then he realises that a group of people are in the road. At first Wyatt thinks they’re just standing there, which is strange.
But the group is all moving, and Wyatt quickly works out that they’re circling around someone else, not another standing figure, but a person on the ground.
“Faggot!” That one word thrown into the night air has Wyatt moving forward before he even thinks about what he’s doing. Anger surges through his veins at that ugly word.
He grabs the first body he comes to by the shirt and flings them away, careful not to use all his strength. He’s not trying to kill these humans, not yet. They deserve to get hurt, but Wyatt’s not sure he has the right to decide if they should die. He’s not judge, jury, and executioner.