
Chapter 10

Mitch nodded quietly.

“So, Brandon, I didn’t expect to see you here,” Adrian continued. “It’s not like you’ve done anything, you know, community oriented in years.” He waved his hand around to indicate the crowd.

Mitch cleared his throat and folded his arms across his chest. “Actually, over the past three years, Mr. Pacheco has successfully brought more than fifty civil rights cases specifically related to MOGAI discrimination to completion, either getting a substantial settlement out of court or winning settlements for our clients. I’d say that’s fairly ‘community oriented.’“

Adrian blinked, shaking his head. “I’m sorry, have we met before?” He held out a hand. “I’m Adrian Went. I’m a friend of these gentlemen.”

“We met. At last year’s Christmas party for Byrne and Sellers. Mitchell Freeman. Brandon and I joined the firm at the same time.” Mitch offered a sudden, shark-toothed smile. Brandon had seen it many times in the courtroom.