But it’s different too, and not just because they’re adults with jobs now. Michael is openly affectionate with him as they talk to different people. He’ll lightly touch the small of Daniels back or thigh, put his arm around his shoulder and even kiss his cheek. It’s miles away from the Michael who had been terrified of anyone finding out about them, scared people would think he was gay, and Daniel makes a mental note to ask about when Michael got his bisexual pride tattoo.
They get to talk work, life, tell stories of the things they’ve missed. When the party starts to wind down, Daniel doesn’t want to go home, at least not alone, but that would be breaking the rules he made tonight.
Claire comes over as the music switches to more meditative again.
“Well, we’re going to head back to the house. So lovely to see you, Daniel. I do hope to hear a lot more from you in future,” Claire says, and if she noticed or cares that they’re holding hands, she doesn’t say anything.