Chapter 30

Because he didplan on there being a later. Many, many laters, in fact.

He moved gradually down, licking and kissing gently in his quest for his ultimate goal. When he arrived there, he looked up to see Mitchell up on his elbows, watching him with those gorgeous eyes. He nodded, giving Craig permission, so Craig gently undid the button at the top of his shorts before unzipping them and pushing them to the side a little

He leaned in and nuzzled Mitchell over his tight gray boxer briefs, using his finger to tug at the waistband and lick at the slight V-shape just below his hip bone. Mitchell smelled musky and woodsy and sexy, and Craig wanted more.

Mitchell reached down, raked his fingers through Craig’s hair, and pushed his hips up, letting Craig know to keep going. Not that Craig needed another sign—the light mewling sounds Mitchell was making from the back of his throat told Craig all he needed to know.