But Craig woke up just as Mitch snuggled back down, pressing his ass against Craig.
“Good morning,” he’d whispered, kissing the back of his neck.
Mitch had sighed, his anxiety flying away as he turned in Craig’s arms, eager to look into his eyes.
Craig had smiled, and they’d kissed sweetly. Chastely.
Until Adam had hollered up, breaking their spell. “If you two sleeping beauties are up, we need to get going!”
Right. Adam. We aren’t alone. He’d dropped his head, pressing his forehead on Craig’s.
“I guess we need to get ready,” Craig whispered.
Mitch had torn himself away from Craig and stretched, missing his touch already.
From below, Adam cleared his throat loudly, so they both laughed and got up. Adam wasn’t going to be patient.
They’d all hurried to get ready, and the three of them had run through a drive-thru for breakfast because Adam had a thing about arriving to places early.