Cameron snickered. “No. We don’t. None of us had the same father. It’s kind of an issue whenever I go to Shirley to visit David.” He sobered up as he gazed at Ashley’s face. “This picture falls from the wall at least once a week. Grandpa took it not long before the fight with Catherine. He had it blown up and restored. Passed it on to me.”
“This is photo I saw.” Reid brushed his fingertips over the frame. “It’s not falling naturally, Cameron. Something doesn’t want that picture hanging on the wall. Something—” Reid clutched at his head and fell to the ground.
Cameron and Jason both dropped to their knees beside him, rolling Reid onto his back to get a better look at him. Blood streamed from Reid’s closed eyes and from his nose, and his face had lost all color. Lines of pain marred his face, and his hands were clenched into tight fists. “What’s happening to him?” Cameron demanded. He turned to face Jason, hand already searching for a pulse. “What’s going on?”4