Chapter 18

“Not really. Vampires, on the other hand, say ow a lot. There are a lot more critters out there than just ghosts, but you don’t need to worry about those.” Jason sighed and bit his lip. It was an adorable gesture in Jason, and it drew attention to lips that Cameron wouldn’t object to kissing if they were on someone else’s face. “Would throwing cold water on him wake him up?”

“You want to keep a shock patient warm, not let them get chilled. Hence the blanket.” He stood up and stretched his legs a little. At least he could clean up some of the blood, which had slowed to a trickle. He grabbed some paper towels from the kitchen, dampened a few of them, and returned. He wasn’t sure what else to do, at this point. He didn’t want a body on his hands, and he knew the best thing for Reid would be to go to a hospital. He didn’t want to do that to someone who was most likely on the wrong side of the law without being absolutely sure, though.