Chapter 17

“What doyou want?”

The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. Why would Terrell ask a question like that? He already knew Dakota intended to stay with him and his family, to learn more about the talismans, and generally to get involved in whatever escapades ensued. Didn’t Terrell already know what he wanted? Unless he hoped there was something on top of that.

Dakota wasn’t an idiot. As a conclusion settled in his mind like a rolling wheel reaching the bottom of a hill, he licked his lips and forced himself to relax once more. “Answers, mostly.”

“About the talismans?”

He smiled. “Well, sure. I’d love to know what this thing around my neck actually does.” He looped his thumb around the cord and slid it down to the pendant before letting it go again. “But not just that. I still don’t know much about your family or about you.” He raised an eyebrow. “Hell, I don’t even know why you followed me to that bridge.”