No one had ever showed this much romantic interest in Dakota, this quickly and deeply, on so little information. Sure, he had suitors. He wassexually active, relatively attractive when he put his mind to it, and not exactly opposed to getting some when it was readily offered. But this wasn’t about sex. Or at least it didn’t seem to be.
He remembered Terrell’s reputation. Men and women alike got close to him, and then he broke their hearts. Right? But did he act this vulnerable with them? This reckless? That wasn’t something a person could just turn on and off, could they?
Even at face value, the confession couldn’t be taken lightly. People didn’t throw themselves halfway off of bridges for someone or share all their secrets just to get laid. This was something powerful and rare. This was devotion to a cause. “Is that why you gave me this?” Dakota picked the talisman up by the disk for effect.