Chapter 49

He wasconcerned, though, about Terrell. He seemed to be doing better now that Dakota showed signs of improvement. But he must be mourning his cousins and the home he once shared with them. Except for his motorcycle, his cane, and the clothes on his back, pretty much everything Terrell owned burned up in that house. Dakota lost a few belongings—some photos and little reminders of his mother, along with that stuffed animal he cherished—but Terrell? The fire took his notes on the talismans! Years and years of meticulous work. Beautiful, irreplaceable handwritten tomes. All gone.

They saved the stones, all except the ones taken from Cousin Al and Eddie. Terrell kept Dakota’s for the time being, hidden inside his shirt. But the notes seemed just as important, if not more so. A living history and encyclopedia of everything the group knew about the magic necklaces. Terrell’s biggest contribution to the world. If the sadness from their loss hadn’t hit him yet, it would soon.