Chapter 71

Then, as Dakota wandered toward the bedroom, Terrell’s gentle voice stopped him. “Hiding probably saved her.”

“Yeah. It was smart.”

Terrell shook his head. “It’s not the first time she’s done it. Back before the accident, I didn’t think she should have to see the kind of stuff that kept happening, you know? She was so young, and she would cry, and that just made him angrier. So, I used to put her in my bedroom closet. I even brought her books to read—with lots of pictures—and a flashlight. Sometimes I sat right outside. And I remember, I told her she had to be very quiet, and everything would be okay.”

Dakota glanced down at the sleeping girl. What were they getting into? He didn’t know the first thing about taking care of a kid, let alone a scared, abused girl in mourning. And he didn’t think Terrell would be able to do it by himself. “Like I said, it was smart. I bet it saved her life. It’s a good thing she had you looking out for her.”

“Lotta good it did my brothers.”