Dakota watched in horror as the guy jumped over the bike, kicked Terrell in the chest, and took off at an incredible speed. He made it down the hill in no time at all and turned the corner, headed for an industrial park. In a few seconds, he would be out of sight, even from Eleanor, who recovered quickly enough and began a foot pursuit.
He reacted. If ever there was a reason to have backup, this was it. Dakota jumped off the bed and dashed through the RV toward the door. He called back to Kenna, “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”
Before he could even really assess the situation, he was outside and running as fast as he could go. He drew the .22-caliber pistol—his gun of choice since his first meeting with the enemy, and a reminder of the dead woman who gave it to him—and kept it trained directly ahead. But the man had already disappeared amongst warehouses and machinery.