Chapter 6

“Don’t look at me like that, Karl. This would never have worked.”

“We were together for a year before we married, and we were spouses for nine years.” Karl said tightly. “If you knew it wouldn’t work, why did you marry me?”

“I thought I could try.” Robert shook his head. “And I failed.”

Karl snorted.

“You failed, all right. Failed right into Tiffany’s pussy.”

Robert’s eyes flared.

“You were at the office day and night. I never saw you.”

“And that justifies cheating on me? You’re supposed to support me, not betray me!”

And Robert had supported him when Karl was earning millions as a sports star. And he had supported Karl through his treatment after the sucker punch that ended his career. But then he had started to back off a little when Karl trained to become a cop and went onto the streets. He didn’t even come to Karl’s inauguration to becoming a detective eighteen months before.