Chapter 7

“And I’m glad you have.” He nudged Paige’s legs out the way. “Move.”

Launching himself over the couch, he bounced on the cushions and tugged off his sneakers and socks. Then he put his feet up on the coffee table, wriggling his toes. The cool air around his feet felt very welcoming.

“Hey!” Paige slapped his leg. “No feet on the coffee table, remember?”

“Don’t give a shit right now. I need to stretch out.”

“Ah.” Paige sat up and curled her legs under her, her feet touching Deepan’s hip. “Hard shift, was it?”

“Essentially. Pile-up towards the end, and new nurses not paying much attention to things they need to do.” Deepan leaned his head back and glared up at the ceiling. “Fucking rookies.”

“I take it you’re more annoyed by the newbies than the pile-up.”