Chapter 19

“Detective Fletcher.”

“Do you still need to talk to me?”

That silky voice had Karl sitting up.

“Deepan. I thought I talked to you last night. Your statement will be ready later for you to sign.”

“That’s not what I’m on about.” There was something in Deepan’s voice. He sounded troubled. “This is important. It could be relevant.”

“Relevant to what?”

“Zafar’s murder.”

What did he mean by that? Had Kenneth molested him again? Karl had forced Kenneth to go back to his hotel after he had been treated. Kenneth had still been very drunk and very angry when he got the $725 bill for his treatment. Karl had had to bite his lip to stop himself from laughing at Kenneth’s outrage.

Had he gone back out and gone after Deepan?

“I…” Karl cleared his throat. His mouth had gone dry. “I’m on my way home now. Where do you want to meet?”

“My place is closer to the precinct. You have my address.”

Then all Karl could hear was the dial tone.6