Chapter 10

“We know some people,” Tom Alan said. “Potential players for 2018. Maybe we can introduce you, even get a game going.”


“Jesse? There’s a women’s team. Some of the 2014 players are friends?” Erika tried for eye contact, while Jesse seemed to prefer staring at the ice.


“Oh. Okay.”

“When?” Kensuke asked. He directed everything he said toward Tom Alan, though rarely any part of him above the waist.

“Umm…next weekend, maybe?” Tom Alan said.

“Sweet! You know a lot of famous people, I bet, huh, Mr. Baranowski?” Mr. Baranowski. The kid was laying it on pretty thick. “Like Ben Thornton. I’ve seen you guys together on the skating and gymnastics thing on TV every year.”

“Ben and I are pretty good friends.” They were best friends. “And call me Tom Alan…please.”

“Cool. Tom Alan.” Kensuke bounced excitedly. “I can’t wait to see him in Rio next month. You going?”


Milo said, “No.”