“Don’t you need to get to class, Hockey Puck?” Milo took her side.
“Yeah. I better head out. Go to mommy.” He offered Etsuko and a kiss on the cheek. “I hate to miss the end of this little lovers’ spat, but we’re removing a rat’s liver today. Don’t wanna miss that either.” He offered Milo a gentle punch in the shoulder. “Hold onto your man, Booger.” Then Erika watched as he walked away. Billy’s scrubs were tight. He might have gained a little weight. God, she wanted him. Tearing herself away, she looked back just as Tom Alan and Kensuke circled past, all cozy and gleeful side by side. She couldn’t hold back her grin, looking at Milo and his scowl, until she looked at Jesse. Milo was a grown man. Jesse, pivoting on one blade to follow the action, was a kid.
“Ready?” Tom Alan asked.