“Perfect. Not a scratch. We even had it detailed—on my dime.” Kensuke handed over some bills and the keys.
“You were gone long enough,” Tom Alan huffed.
“Detailing,” Kensuke reminded him with a shrug.
“Go put on your skates,” Erika said. Kyoko had actually bought them figure skates, first Jesse, then Kensuke, as she feared his feelings would be hurt if she didn’t. Tom Alan had scolded her for spoiling someone else’s children, one of whom was obviously already spoiled rotten—and not really a child. “This mood going to last all day?” Erika asked him once alone.
“Is it still about Etsuko?”
“Maybe. Why can’t we just live together like we do now? Other than you watching me and Milo have sex,” he said on a hush, “what’s wrong with that?”