“A student group at NYU. A transgender group. Jesse is a boy.”
“A boy?”
Erika took her aside. “Jesse believes he was born into the wrong bodyIt’s called gender dysphoria…I think. I don’t know. I’ve read as much as I can online and half of it’s probably bullsh—wrong. The point is, Jesse…feels male, and she—he—wants to make the outside reflect the inside.”
“It’s been difficult. But look how she’s come out of her—Dang it!—how he’s lit up in just the time he’s been hanging out with us, and especially the other people he can relate to down at NYU with Milo.”
“It’s foolishness.” The pronouncement was not harsh, nor did it seem dismissive. The incongruity of words and tone left Erika without a response. “You do not do something so drastic for one person,” Kyoko declared.
“You do,” Jesse said, skating up behind them.
“Jesse…she didn’t mean anything.”