Their practice was interrupted not long afterward by a visit from Jesse and his grandmother. “I shall leave you alone,” Irina said. Her friendly tone did not mask the look in her eyes. Erika had a feeling they’d pay for the disruption later on.
“Though I’ve heard a lot about you, and know who you are through the sports media—as a fan—I thought I should at least meet you before I entrust you with my grandson’s welfare.” Jesse’s grandmother was not at all as Erika expected, even after seeing her from afar. If the woman was a day over fifty, she took excellent care of herself. She looked like a mature fashion model or a veteran soap opera actress.
“It’s nice to meet you, Missus…?”
“Bingham. Allison.”
“Please.” Tom Alan offered her a folding metal chair. “Sorry there’s nothing more comfortable, Allison.”