“Maybe not just thoughts,” Tom Alan said. “Maybe…”
“Wants?”Milo suggested.
“It feels all kinds of wanting and all kinds of…wrong. I figured if I stayed away from her…maybe even stopped skating, it would all go away, but I don’t want to do that. I don’t. God, Milo! I never thought I was bisexual, not even bi-curious,”Tom Alan said.
“Just Flower-curious, Skater Boy?”
“Maybe. Though I guess bisexual is bisexual, whether I’m attracted to one woman or more than one. I realize now why my reaction to Bill coming out as bi was so cruddy. I had my own issues going on. Everything I said to him, I’ve been saying to myself. Way worse than questioning my sexuality, even though I did think that was written in stone a long time ago, was this nagging feeling I have that I’m being unfaithful to you, or that I very easily could be if the opportunity presents itself.”