Chapter 67

“Don’t touch a thing.” Billy crawled out from under the covers, making his way to the bottom of the bed. He was still naked—and apparently no longer shy about it. “Come here.” He yanked opposite sides of the sheet and brought her to the bed, where he pulled her down beside Tom Alan.

“I should go back to my own room,” he said.

“How’d you all end up in one room without me? Now I am jealous,” Milo said.

“It was just me and Billy. We had a good long talk. My endless blathering kept putting him to sleep, though.”

“I wasn’t sleeping. And I give as good as I get.”

“Do you, now?” Milo asked.

“You would know. Oh.”

“He kept waking up saying ‘Don’t go…I’m listening.’ I guess at some point I fell asleep, too.”

“We’ve covered all the letters now, Fisher. Rika’s mom is the L;you and Kensuke, you’re the G;I have the Bgoing on; Jesse’s doing the T;and now Tom Alan is at Q—for questioning. That letter can go two ways. So will he, most likely.” Billy thought he was clever. “Cool, huh?”