“Get his knickers off him,” Milo ordered, and Billy immediately obeyed. Tom Alan lifted each knee, so they could come off all the way.
“Now wank him.”
“Yeah?” Billy asked Tom Alan, not Milo. He got consent—after an interminable wait by Erika’s estimation that was likely only a second or two—with a nod, followed by a shudder.
“His hands are rough.”
“I know.” Erika loved the feel of them, especially where she now touched herself.
“Can you, where you are?” When Tom Alan looked up from Milo on the screen to meet Erika’s eyes, she knew he had taken in all of her on the way. The sheet had fallen, and she stood there completely nude. He swallowed hard. She watched his throat, and then his tongue as he licked his lips.
“Already at it, despite the nip in the air,” Milo said.
“Show us.”
“I’m covered by my cardie.”
“Chicken,” Erika teased.
“Someone could come out for a fag.”
“Won’t they be surprised to find one with his willie out?” Tom Alan’s British accent still wasn’t very good.