“You know me better than that.”
“I do. I don’t mean you wouldn’t accept him. It wouldn’t be out of line to worry about him, though. Even in 2016, being a gay sixteen-year-old isn’t always an easy thing.”
“No. Everyone has a bullseye on their hoodie for something in high school.”
The topic Burgess had in mind wasn’t all that deep. He was hoping to round up some adult volunteers to help out with the drama club. “I told Mr. Daley you might work on the sets with us, Tom Alan, because, ya know, you draw your comics and stuff.”
“Definitely.” Tom Alan seemed rather excited.
“What show are you doing?”
Erika was pretty sure Burgess said it was The Wizard of Oz. One had to listen very closely to hear Burgess speak.
“And maybe you and Milo might be our choreographers.”
“What about me?” Billy asked. “Don’t you want me to help?”
“With what? There’s no hockey in The Wizard of Oz.”
“I can do other things,” Billy huffed. “If everyone else is going to be involved…”