By the time Erika came out with Etsuko, Milo was in the kitchen creating some sort of frittata that smelled heavenly. He set the plates out on top of the island, one in front of each stool. When Billy asked for a banana, Milo fondled it before handing it over. “Subtle,” Erika muttered. Men…They obsessed far more about the ones they had than Jesse did with the one he didn’t. Erika didn’t mind it, really, even if the constant innuendo sometimes got old.
“Now how long ‘til we get one in ya, love?” Milo set down the food.
“I’m ‘love’ now, too?” Billy asked.
“You’re going to scare him,” Erika warned.
“Fisher was the most nervous last night.”
Their first evening as a foursome had ended up sort of like a really bad doubles tennis match. Everyone was playing hard, but their balls all stayed on their own side of the net.
“It was hot watching Flower play around back there. Maybe next time…” Milo licked his lips.
“I always wondered if women liked doing that,” Tom Alan said.