“Shh. They’ll hear us,” Tom Alan whispered. “Who knows where sound from this heating duct comes out?”
Jesse and Burgess were both staying over, and the so-called adults switched to a discussion about where the three kids should sleep. “Here’s the deal,” Erika said. “If they were heterosexual, and a mixed group, in no way would we let them all sleep in the same room…would we?”
“What kind of prudes are we going to look like if we try to separate them, love? Whatever’s going to happen is going to bloody happen. They can do it anywhere.”
“You two should know,” Billy said. “We can’t worry about how we come off, though. We have to have rules. It’s not about being cool.”
“We’re responsible for all of them,” Erika said. “I assume Jesse can still get pregnant.”
That stopped the men in their tracks. “What the hell, babe?”