Chapter 7

“Just admit it. You wish it was you, not Danny, that was with those guys. It’s okay, you’re among friends here.”

“I didn’t want to be him; I wanted to be Brian.” Red-faced, Patrick walked over to the couch and threw himself on it. Javi motioned for me to walk over to him, but I was still in shock and shook my head. He motioned again, this time with the same forcefulness he used in the bedroom. I don’t know why that worked, but it did.

I touched Patrick’s shoulder, but he pushed my hand away.

“I’m sorry, if I had known—” I began, but Patrick looked up and interrupted me.

“I don’t even know what is going on. I have all these feelings inside of me, and I don’t know why. Every time you hung out with some guy, it made me wonder why you wouldn’t do that with me. Why you didn’t want to lie in my bed with my arm around you. You’re just so wonderful, and you don’t even know it. Why did you have to change me?”