Lyle wanted to follow, he really did. He’d love nothing better than the opportunity to spend more time talking to Arius if for no other reason than he’d never heard anyone preach a ‘weird-things-good, humankind-bad’ outlook before. He liked the idea that somebody understood how much he enjoyed what he’d become and that, regardless of what he’d been told about his ‘condition,’ to him it was special. It was cool. It was amazing that the thing he’d spent so many years hoping was going to happen actually hadhappened, and now that he had it, he couldn’t imagine living without it. Up until that very moment, Lyle had been convinced that he was the weird one out—they’d all told him so, hadn’t they? The counselors at the GDBCG, his doctor, his father. But maybe, just possibly, they were wrong. After all, perspective really was the only difference between teaching and brainwashing. Still…he had promised…