
Chapter 5

He decided on well-fitting black jeans (“Slacks will be too chilly Dustin, trust me.”), high boots (“You do notwant to wear those shoes if you like them, hon.”), and black leather gloves and jacket over a heavy gray sweater and scarf. It was the most bizarre outfit Dustin had ever worn to a wedding in his life. But he should have known it would be no ordinary wedding, Dustin thought, when they pulled up to the massive, unlit farmhouse and struggled to find a parking spot within walking distance; when they stepped out of the car and he was instantly met with the aroma of burning hardwood and the sounds of music. Somehow he should have known. “Christina?” Dustin called, stuck to the side of the car, suddenly terrified to go any further. She stalked back towards him, grabbed his forearm, and dragged him forward. “Come on,” she urged. “All you’re going to get standing here whining is cold. Besides,” she huffed, “after all this effort I want to see some guy on guy smooching tonight!”