
Chapter 6

Dustin watched Nicolae lift his hand, wave over another man, younger, smaller, and say something into the man’s ear. Then Dustin watched in interest that quickly grew to absolute horror as the young man stood, looked in Dustin’s direction, and began to walk. Dustin drew back further, pressing harder against the barn, silently begging every known deity to cloak, to hide, to completely assimilate Dustin into the wood if need be.

“You,” the young man said, pointing. “There against the wall. Please step out into the light.”

Thought lifted a plea for diversion. Every nerve tensed. Yet it was impossible to stop his body from following the directive. “Nicolae has requested that I ask you to stop lurking in the dark.”

“I was not…” Dustin swallowed hard. “Lurking. I was just, uh, getting a feel for everything.”

“I see,” the man said, and nodded towards Nicolae. “You should go and say hello. I’ll get you some wine.”