Emmett didn’t care. He would let none of it bother him. He would not cry for a petulant, spoiled man. At least those were the words he told himself when he took the moments to revive himself into carrying on. Those moments when the caring drove him half mad with frustration. When the comments bothered him so much he felt as if his chest was collapsing—when he fought tears so forcefully that his eyes reddened and swelled. Emmett, he’d tell himself as he lay awake, sleepless and staring into midnight, you are a liar and charlatan
The visit had proven to be pointless, a waste of time—an entire entourage traipsing over miles for nothing more than an overnight to present Andrewe to a visiting dignitary and his horse-faced daughter. Thomas would seethe over the waste of funds and employable hands when he found out, and the thought of Thomas ranting and bad-mouthing king and command made flutters of rebellious pride flush through Emmett’s blood.