Tears? Emmett thought in stunned silence. Or merely heavy breath? Duty alone, though merely the humanitarian duty to a man in distress and not specifically duty to Andrewe himself, made Emmett rise and open the door.
Emmett couldn’t see Andrewe’s face. Andrewe leaned against the door, his forehead to the wood and his back heaving with laboured breath.
“Your Highness?”
Andrewe didn’t turn around. He spoke as if to the door itself. “I need you, Emmett. Forget your anger for just one night. You can hate me again tomorrow.”
“Your Highness, I…” Emmett fumbled for words.
“Please, Emmett,” Andrewe’s voice was beaten. “Please don’t make me ask you again. If you have a single shred of tolerance for me I need you now…”
Paper crinkled against Emmett’s chest as he stepped into the hallway. He stopped. “I have need of a moment’s time first…”
“Never mind,” Andrewe said quietly, opening the door. “Forget I asked.”21
June 23
Emmett’s heart fluttered in time to wings.