Chapter 29

“So this is the inner sanctum.” Leo prowled around the edge of the room, fingertips skimming along wooden window sills, steps deceptively long for his height. “Funny, but I didn’t figure you for so rustic.”

“It’s all appearances.” Like keeping his seat and letting Leo roam. He knew Leo was scenting the place out. He wasn’t worried about anything untoward happening. “How’s the Hill?”

Leo made a face. “Talking about appearances.”

“Hey, it’s your life.”

“We could talk about yours instead.”

“Mine’s boring. All books.”

“And secret summit meetings among pack leaders.” Leo shot him a grin. “That’s not boring.”

Aden stretched his arm across the back of the couch, resting his ankle on his knee. “Nice try. But I’m not telling you before the others get here.”

“Well, that’s no fun.”

“This isn’t about fun.”