Chapter 30

“So he’s throwing a few parties. So what?” His tiny black eyes glared at Aden. “It’s not like you don’t schmooze with the best of them. Or Leo. Or Berry, for that matter.”

“I don’t go recruiting new wolves from DC’s elite.”

“Humans aren’t the elite.” He might as well have curled his lip back and bared his teeth, there was so much disgust in his tone. “We are.”

“That’s exactly the kind of thinking that’s going to get your pack targeted,” Aden said. “Don’t be such an idiot.”

“Or get the rest of us targeted,” Justin added.

“Oliver’s not interested in drawing undue attention to the packs,” Kahlert argued. “Why do you think he’s going to these extremes?”

Berry shifted to better face him. “Why don’t you tell us what he’s doing?”

Kahlert’s gaze jumped around. “I’m not the only one he’s approached. I know he talked to Crane.”

“Crane’s not here to defend himself.” Though Aden couldn’t say he was surprised. “We want you to tell us.”